Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Love and hate,
it's all confusing,
never knowing who we're choosing,
never knowing where were going,
always wishing, always knowing,
that despite our love forone another,
we are bound by the laws of society,
to hateeach other.

Love and hate we are forced to feel at the same time,
feeling gray, like a dime,
wishing that time would go back,
to when we could be together,
without the pains that the world has placed upon our shoulders.

Love and hate, we dispise and can't live without at the same time,
always wanting what's right,
never seeing what we believe in to be right,
always ending our days with false fights,
to prove to everyone that we do what they believe to be right.

Our last night together flew by like a feather,
still wishing we could be together,
and as you drove away, I felt my heart sway,
from my generous nature,
to something less greater.

I woke up later,
I was dreaming of you,
when I heard what had happened,
my life became through.
I knew that your death would result in mine,
so when I heard the last chime at midnight,
my world became dark and colder then ever before.

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