Friday, March 4, 2011

One Year Without You

As I sit in this empty lonely room, which once in your life time belong to us.
I suffer through the flashbacks and still-frames of us living together in my clouded mind, and it brings the sliver tears.
the ones you use to dry.
And I know they won't dry, for many years.
I want to forget the way you came into my life. As kid. wishing on a star was the only thing to take away the striff. the 7th year of my brith, I was given the best gift of all. A star that has fallen from the sky, it came down to earth.
The image you of, laying in my arms. when I kissed you still. And I screamed at the skies. for I knew you would nevermore rise. Haunts every inch in my mind. All I want to do is trun back time.
You have no idea how much I need you now.
Your the only one I trusted to keep my personal and private thoughts a secert.I know you were in pain, but puttingyou down is yetanother thing I won't regert. Even though I'm lonlierthen ever. And my tears are very well concealed. I feel somewhat of myself being healed,with the hope that you and everyone else I love is watching me, as an guardian angel. Somehow I can feel you around within my scenery. you may be invisble. Something I can't see, but when I place my hand over my heart. I know. You'll always be with me.

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